Wednesday, May 14, 2008

No player interviews, No Trades, No Problem

I'm back!!!!! Sorry for leaving all of my peeps hanging recently. Big ups to the impresario of OFTOT, Cotter. Really there isn't a great deal of Eagles specific news going on right now. So, with that in mind I am going to harness the overwhelming powerful disability known as ADHD and cover this empty canvas that is the I Love It When A Plan Comes Together.

1. John Smallwood of the Philadelphia Daily News put his two cents on Andy Reid's Q&A session on 610 WIP Sports Radio's morning show. Smallwood thinks that the relationship between Reid and the media would be vastly improved if he was as open and candid with beat writers as he was the other day. I think that Reid takes a similar approach to the media that New England's Bill Belichick does. He keeps team affairs as privately as possible. I am of the opinion that if you are a beat writer in a city where the coach isn't a, "Chatty Kathy" rely on your investigative journalism skills to get the scoop. He said it himself that it's not the coaches job to make his job easier.

2. Spygate R.I.P??? Yesterday former Patriots Video Assistant Matt Walsh spoke with the commish, and relinquished his videos. Afterwards, Commissioner Goodell held a press conference where he reported that the tapes did not provide any new information on the scandal. From there Walsh took a trip to our nations capital for a chat with Sen. Arlen Specter.Specter is scheduled to have a news conference today with his findings. NFL Posterboy feels that ESPN won't let Spygate go away, according to a radio interview with WEEI. At this point Spygate is over. Unless that mystery Super Bowl Walk through appears. The damage has already been done, and punishment has already been levied. I beg to differ with Brady on that fact that ESPN won't let this go. There are a number of posts on ESPN to the contrary. John Clayton, ESPN's football guru thinks that it's over, and said so yesterday on Sports Center.
Brady should be more concerned with Arlen Specter's findings. Congressional hearings are the real conspirators.

3. Former Dallas and Cardinals running back Troy Hambrick was sentenced to five years in prison for selling crack cocaine. My suggestion to Troy is this: Take some of your commissary and purchase Jay-Z's In My Lifetime: Volume One, and place track 12 on repeat. It's sad really. This is one of a billion legitimate arguments why athletes should complete there educations. You aren't going to play in the NFL forever!

4. The Bills released tight end Kevin Everett this week, and now he is able to collect disability pay from the NFL. This is really a great move on behalf of the first NFL team to flee to Canada. Seriously, Kevin Everett's story has got it all from a career ending spinal injury to being able to walk without any assistance. Best wishes to him, and his entire family. A side note: I am not sure that the Bills could ever have fans that are more loyal that those at Orchard Park. They love that team, and will be at every home game no matter what! It was minus 100 degree Fahrenheit when this photo was taken.

6. James Hardy alleged likes beat up his father according a woman in Indiana. Imagine what he is going to the defensive back that attempts to jam him at the line of scrimmage. Way to operate outside the paradigm. Beating up your, "Old Lady" or girlfriend is old news. This man is an innovator, a pioneer if you will!

7. In Florida (Yes, I have confirmed this), Another arrest has been made in connection with the murder of Redskins safety Sean Taylor. According to the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's office a 16-year-old boy has arrested, and charged with First-Degree Murder. Note to self: Don't mess with the teens of Miami-Dade county!

8. The Juice takes bong rips with Cypress Hill, and confesses to murder? OK, Cypress Hill wasn't involved, nor do I know the means in which O.J got stoned, but allegedly he confessed. I turn to my pro bono legal adviser (Cotter) on this one. Doesn't Double Jeopardy apply? Thus making the allegation a publicity stunt to promote dude's tell-all book. I'm not going to buy it either way.

9. Mo' Money, Mo' Shots. Seattle linebacker Lofa Tatupu was arrested on Saturday for investigation of drunken driving. Reports indicate that Tatupu blew a .155 and .158 on the field Breathalyzer. Hail a goddamn cab, hire a driver, make one of your entourage drive. These aren't suggestions for the safety of the public. They are mandates for athletes that suffer from poor judgment!

I'm glad that I got that I out of the way. Hey Buzz, was this post mind-numbingly dumb, and cruel? Just Kidding buddy. It probably is. I'm outta here. Comments, Suggestions, Tips(monetary or otherwise)???

Foot Note: Although I find the, "Idea" of someone committing paternal abuse comical, I do not condone abuse of any kind at all. The exception being when committed against anyone whom is associated with the Cowboys. Who's looking forward to the train wreck that will the Dallas Cowboys training camp edition of the documentary, "Hard Knocks"?

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